Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 Final + Portable

Winаmp - это один из самых популярных медиаплееров. Программа позволяет работать с файлами в форматах MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI и т.д., поддерживает воспроизведение видео (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), имеет большое количество настроек и параметров, обладает возможностью смены скинов, имеет хороший модуль визуализации, медиа-библиотеку и многое другое!

Winamp 5.57 Highlights:
- Native video support including the most popular file formats for H.264 encoded video (Pro Only)
- Unrestricted Audio CD Burning & Ripping up to 48x
- MP3 Encoding - the industry leading format
- High Quality Bitrate AACPlus Encoding (twice the quality of the free version).
- Help fund continued product development & innovation.
- Buy tickets, find lyrics, & download music directly from your media player
- Windows 7 Compliant
- Winamp OrglerTM lets you track, chart and share your Winamp listening history
- iTunes Library Import
- Find & manage Add-ons directly in your media player
- Available in 16 languages including Turkish, Romanian & Brazilian Portuguese
Winamp Player Features:
- Plays Music and Video Files (aacPlus, MP3, AAC, WMA and more!)
- Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins
- Full Support for Classic and Modern Skins
- Plays Videos (NSV, WMV, and more!)
- Powerful Media Library
- Browse SHOUTcast Radio & TV Stations
- Browse Winamp Music Videos & Songs
- Integrated AOL Video Content (News, Sports, Movies & more)
- AOL Radio Featuring XM
- SHOUTcast Wire (podcast directory)
- Predixis MusicMagic (dynamic playlisting)
- Bundled Visualizations
- Burn CDs (Limited to 2x - 48x in Pro!)
- Rips CDs (Limited to 8x aacPlus, AAC, WMA - Unlimited aacPlus, AAC, WMA and MP3 in Pro!)
- 50 free mp3s from Emusic
- Includes Winner of the Internet
- Surround Music Project!
- Includes an MP3 of 'Mercy Me' by Alkaline Trio
- Rip/Encode music into aacPlus, AAC, WMA, or MP3!
- Burn CDs up to 48x!

Changes in Winamp 5.571:
- New: MPEG-4 video support for in_mp4 & in_flv (Winamp Pro only)
- New: [in_avi] Native AVI video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
- New: [in_mkv] Matroska MKV video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
- New: [ml_addons] Browser for discovering new skins & plugins
- New: Winamp detection browser plugins for IE & Firefox
- Improved: Direct3D video rendering
- Improved: Filetype association handling on Vista & Windows 7
- Improved: New fullscreen video OSD
- Improved: Added ReplayGain Preamp control to Prefs (previously .ini only)
- Improved: VU meter (beat vis) optimizations
- Improved: [gen_ff] Multithreaded <AlbumArt/> object
- Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] Tag support for Organization field as Publisher
- Improved: [in_flv] AAC, aacPlus & ADPCM audio support in FLV files
- Improved: [in_mp4] Support for aacPlus parametric stereo in mp4 container
- Improved: [in_nsv] Native h.264 decoding (Winamp Pro only)
- Improved: [in_wave] Unicode filename handling
- Improved: [ml_history] Play Offset feature for resuming playback of podcasts
- Improved: [ml_local] Director & Producer fields & columns for videos
- Improved: [ml_local] Row cache for NDE to vastly speed up queries
- Improved: [ml_online] Right-click option to open service in new window
- Improved: [ml_wire] feed:// pcast:// and winamp:// protocol support
- Improved: [ml_wire] Option to automatically download 'x' most recent episodes
- Improved: [ml_wire] Redesigned Podcast Directory view
- Improved: [pmp_usb] Option to set paths in saved playlists
- Improved: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 updated to use ns-eel2 (thanks Justin)
- Fixed: Custom mldb info reverts to filename on Alt+3 for in_dshow, flv & swf
- Fixed: Elevator installation and Aero compatibility issues in 5.57 on Windows Vista
- Fixed: HeapSetInformation not located in kernel32 error under Win2k
- Fixed: Shuffle feature broken under limited user profiles
- Fixed: Various other reported issues/bugs/crashes with 5.57
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Bold text in Local Media views on some systems
- Fixed: [gen_tray] Compact mode not working on 64-bit OS
- Fixed: [in_flac] Playback freezing before end of some corrupted files
- Fixed: [in_flv] Sync issue where video lags behind audio on some flv files
- Fixed: [in_flv] Various h.263-related crash issues
- Fixed: [in_mod] Heap overflow security vulnerability (thanks Dyon Balding, Secunia)
- Fixed: [in_mod] Some s3m files crashing on load
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Various transcoding issues
- Fixed: [in_wm] Main window & taskbar menu blocked after closing DRM browser
- Fixed: [jpeg.w5s/png.w5s] Security vulnerability fixes (thanks Nicolas Joly, VUPEN)
- Fixed: [ml_local] Remove missing files broken in full rescan
- Fixed: [ml_wire] feeds.xml sometimes being destroyed
- Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crashing with certain devices
- Fixed: [vis_avs] Compile issues causing some presets to not load properly or crash
- Misc: Improved Windows 7 compatibility, incl. aero thumbnail & taskbar integration
- Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Misc: New info page for lang pack developers in About Winamp dialog
- Misc: New MPEG-4 video support adds h264.w5s & mp4v.w5s
- Misc: Renamed nsvdec_vp6.dll to vp6.w5s
- Misc: Removed gen_dropbox from the installer, for now...
- Misc: Right-click to close Notifier in Bento skin
- Misc: Some keyboard accelerator fixes (new Ctrl+Alt+B for Add current to bookmarks)
- Misc: Various installer improvements (including new DirectX version checker)
- Updated: aacPlus decoder 8.2.2, encoder 8.2.0
- Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.101
- Updated: libpng 1.2.40
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.7.1
- Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.3 & libogg 1.1.4
Скачать программу Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 Final (14,2 МБ):
Скачать портативную программу Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 Final (12,3 МБ):
Wincode 22/12/09 Просмотров: 1726
Тормозит пипец, при чем любая версия, что портативная, что обычная. У меня два ядра и жду около пяти секунд, думаю, что это не нормальная плата за качество звука. Пока терплю, но если следующие версии будут в том же духе, то придется сваливать...
Не знаю как у вас, а у меня ключик подошел из файла key.txt. Все нормально зарегилось на имя
требует имя вместе с паролем, скажите а!
Ключ не приняло=( Пока вроде работает.
Лучше винампа на сегодня ничего не встречал пока,не смотря на то,что винамп медленно работает.Его преимущество интерфейс и огромный функционал.
Народ генератор ключей не работает
Сколько существует уже, а с каждой новой версией огромные списки исправлений видим)))
Похож на травоядного динозавра, вроде диплодока. Древний, неповоротливый, и много альтернатив, которые с лёгкостью могут с ним поспорить.
что советуешь использовать вместо него?
Хорошее сравнение! С динозавром..
И не только оспорить но и превзойти ;)