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Foxit PDF Creator 3.0.0 Build 1221

Foxit PDF Creator - виртуальный принтер, добавляющий в приложения возможности печати для создания PDF документов. Foxit PDF Creator основывается на основных Foxit PDF технологиях. С помощью мощного механизма поиска и высокоэффективного PDF отображения и обработки, Foxit PDF Creator - это компактный, быстрый и точный инструмент для конвертирования популярных файловых форматов в PDF файлы высокого качества. Foxit PDF Creator устанавливается как драйвер печати, давая вам возможность создавать на большой скорости PDF файлы, сохраняя внешний вид и свойства оригинальных документов.

Foxit PDF Creator offers:
  • Convert any type of printable document (DOC, XLS, PPT, HTML, EML, TXT, AutoCAD drawings, E-mail and much more) into searchable PDF files just click the button "print to Foxit PDF Printer"
  • Enable powerful search capability like searching (press "Ctrl+F" ) , extracting (click on"copy" and " paste"), converting back to pure text document (click on " text viewer" in Foxit Reader to preview the whole text file converted from a PDF file)
  • Enable accurate and efficient PDF displaying and processing
  • Support embedding Windows fonts
  • Support image resolution up to 4000 DPI
  • Reduce file size in the resulted PDFs for many documents
  • Simplify the PDF creation procedure and save time
  • Print like a real printer with custom paper size support (like Letter, Legal, A3, A4, A5, A6, ...)
  • Feel free to set page margins and orientation when printing to "Foxit PDF Printer"
  • Easily install: everything is installed within minutes
  • Comply with PDF 1.6 specification
  • Does not require Ghost Script or other 3rd party software to create PDF files
  • Automatically output PDF file to a specific path

Foxit PDF Creator 3.0 gets even better with the additions of these exciting new features:

  • File Security. Supports password and certificate encryption - protect sensitive PDF documents to prevent loss of valuable company information. Configure the security settings in the Foxit PDF printer properties to control access to PDF documents. Streamline the workflow to create encrypted PDFs.
  • Setting Document Information. Add document information for converted PDF documents, including titles, subjects, author, creator and keywords. Also edit document's metadata to archive and search PDFs with ease.
  • Headers and Footers. Add headers or footers for PDF pages. Choose font, size and color of the text with ease, as well as set display position of headers and footers in a PDF file.
  • Watermark. Add watermark to PDF documents. Use either text or image as the watermark. Rotating and setting the transparency of the image are also supported. Watermarking is an ideal tool to stamp a document such as Draft or Confidential.


Скачать программу Foxit PDF Creator 3.0.0 Build 1221 (6,1 МБ):

Wincode 07/01/10 Просмотров: 4506
dikij_voin 24 января 2012, 23:17:11

установил, ввел код, иконки нет для старта программи, постоянно запрашивает регистразию. сделал как ти и написал. без толку.

Wincode 07 января 2010, 13:26:20

Ключ необходимо скопировать сюда: C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3 (забыл дописать).