FeedDemon + Rus

FeedDemon - одна из самых популярных программ для получения новостей с сайтов по технологии RSS и XML. По сравнению с обычным просмотром сайтов с помощью браузера, технология RSS имеет два существенных плюса - возможность практически полной автоматизации и значительное уменьшение объема скачиваемых данных за счет отсутствия в получаемых новостях рекламы.

Особенности программы:
- Google Reader synchronization: Use FeedDemon at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched between locations.
- Sharing: FeedDemon’s simple single-click sharing lets your friends subscribe to a feed of your favorite articles.
- Tagging: Assign your own keywords to items, making it easy to classify and locate articles you've previously read.
- Watches: Tell FeedDemon to let you know when your keywords appear in any feed you’re subscribed to.
- Search Feed: Get alerted when your keywords appear in any feed, regardless of whether you’re subscribed to it.
- Podcasts: Let FeedDemon automatically download audio files and copy them to your iPod or other media device.
What's New in This Release:
- Added: "Shared by people I follow" displays articles shared by the people you follow in Google Reader
- Added: Content filters (Tools > Manage Content Filters) can be applied to individual feeds to automatically mark incoming items as read
- Added: New "Translate item" newspaper icon translates the item into your language. Items in synched feeds are translated inline, whereas items in non-synched feeds browse to Google Translate for the translation
- Added: Further synchronization optimizations, including significantly faster synching of shared items
- Added: Feed preview now uses a fixed header and enables toggling between full posts, summaries and headlines
- Added: "Choose newspaper icons" added to newspaper - enables quickly choosing which icons to show under each item
- Added: "Like" icon added to newspaper for synched feeds (what is this?). Note that this doesn't appear by default - you must enable it using the new "choose newspaper icons" gear icon.
- Added: "Remember my login" added to synchronization options (disable to require FeedDemon to ask for your login every time it starts)
- Added: Short url preview now supports goo.gl, youtu.be, fb.me, flic.kr, ow.ly and clicky.me
- Added: Print and print preview from the embedded browser now handle the active newspaper by expanding collapsed descriptions, hiding FeedDemon icons, etc.
- Added: "Send To" menu now includes Twitter
- Added: HTTP error report now enables re-checking a feed's status
- Changed: Search results now always use the default "Surfer" newspaper style
- Changed: Options-related items moved to submenu of Tools menu, import/export-related items moved to submenu of File menu
- Changed: When the newspaper is grouped by title, items are now sorted by date rather than by title (so newer items come first)
- Fixed: Unresponsiveness while updating feeds due to auto-purging of older items
- Fixed: Focused post not highlighted in newspaper when using silver theme
- Fixed: Incorrect sizing of embedded browser after display resolution or multi-monitor settings changed
- Fixed: Enclosure URL doesn't appear in status bar when mousing over enclosure icon
- Fixed: Application fails to correctly minimize to the tray after clicking a mouse button that has been assigned to the "minimize" action
- Fixed: Incorrect startup screen position on single-monitor system when taskbar docked to left
- Fixed: Items in disabled feeds still get added during resync
- Fixed: Unsharing a single item (ie: deleting it from your shared items) fails to sync
- Fixed: Duplicate YouTube videos may appear in "Popular in My Subscriptions" if they use different formats
- Fixed: Feeds with invalid/expired certificates silently fail to update
- Fixed: Tags assigned to posts in un-synched feeds may be lost after converting the feeds to sync
- Fixed: Twitter avatars display even when "optimize for low bandwidth" is enabled
- Fixed: Cleanup wizard enables choosing to cleanup watches even when none exist
- Fixed: Printing a FeedDemon newspaper crops the last line of text from each page
- Fixed: Timeout errors with non-synched feeds that use temporary redirects to a different host name
- Fixed: Connection reset errors with non-secure feeds that redirect to secure URL
- Fixed: Reading all unread items in a feed doesn't remove it from the desktop alert when the desktop alert is "pinned" (so that it's always showing)
- Fixed: Summaries shown in newspaper may be very short for articles with several long hyperlinks in the first few sentences
Скачать программу FeedDemon + Rus (3,65 МБ):
Bukkollaider 24/01/10 Просмотров: 4566
Скачал с Депозита,все работает,спасибо! Файл руссификации просто закидываешь в папку "Lang',перезагружаешь Демона и выбираешь в настройках-язык(будет всего 2-англ.и русс.)
А есть ли в этом программе опция поиска новостей по определенной фразе? К примеру я ввожу ключевые слова "плюшевый медведь" и программа вываливает все что сказано про косолапого на том или ином фиде
Если честно давно ищу подобную фичу в новостных программах.
русский не хочет устанавливаться
и правда...
возникает вполне резонный вопрос!..
кстати,для того чтобы проверить,что это не фейк,достаточно скачать эту программу с оффсайта и посмотреть номер версии.Я скачал, версия,просто они за сайтом не следят.
ололол,это спешэшл эдишн фор Квер
Bukkollaider, ты опять???
Не качайте, нет такой версии на офсайте.
Автор второй раз хрень выкладывает, вот первый.
Не городи ерунду!!!
Хватит писать бред в каждом посте, учитесь пользоваться гуглом и сайтами в целом.