
UltimateDefrag - это дефрагментатор и оптимизатор размещения файлов на жестком диске, который учитывает больше чем только фрагментацию файлов. Фрагментация файла - только незначительная часть улучшения работоспособности накопителя, другая, более важная часть - относительное размещение наиболее часто используемых файлов на вашем винчестере, а также уплотнение файлов. UltimateDefrag имеет очень высокую скорость работы и позволяет достигнуть максимальных результатов.

UltimateDefrag Features:
- Achieve Optimum Performance Hard Drive File Access That Gives You A Much More Responsive PC
- Strategic File Placement Gives You Complete Control Over Which Files And Programs You Want Increased Performance From
- Place Unused Data (such as ZIP Files and unused Windows files) Out Of The Way
- Place Directories In The Optimum Position For Superior Performance
- Defrag with as little as 1% FREE space
- Enjoy fast 3 to 5 minute complete defrags
- Choose From 4 Powerful Defrag Methods With Over 33 Defrag Option Combinations
- Make Full Drives Perform Almost Like They've Been Newly Formatted
- You No Longer Need To Consider Partitioning - UltimateDefrag Is Like Partitioning-On-The-Fly!
- The First Complete "DISK" Metaphor In Any Defragger
- Say Goodbye To "Hard Drive Fatigue" Forever!
- Based Upon True Scientific And Natural Laws
- More Than Just A Defragger - It's Also a File Placement Optimizer
- Defragging Defrags Your Files - UltimateDefrag Defrags Your File System
- Nothing "Black Box" about this - you have total control over which files go where
- Flexible Scheduling lets you defrag while you're away from your computer
- All This In An Incredibly Powerful Program That's Less Than 1 Mb In Size!

What's New in This Release:
- "Changed file handling" module significantly improved - now the defragmentation is more smooth if there is lot of other disk activity, and much faster when there are big files being constantly modified by other programs.
- NEW FEATURE Added an option to shutdown the PC when defrag is finished
- Fixed wrong calculation of MFT reserved zone size in boot time module.
- Fixed boot time module skipping entire defrag process when only MFT reserved size is changed.
- Program icon made 32 bit to fix jagged edges
- In "Auto" mode, after defragmentation the status says "Analyzed" instead of "Defragmented" - fixed
- The end cluster of a file and the start cluster of the next file are the same in cluster viewer - fixed
- Defragmentation mode control fixed to close when clicked on the same mode.
Скачать программу UltimateDefrag (8,04 МБ):
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