Remote Desktop Manager 6.0 Enterprise Edition

Remote Desktop Manager – это небольшое приложение для контроля за удаленными соединениями. С программой Remote Desktop Manager вы сможете добавить, редактировать, удалить, систематизировать или быстро найти удаленное соединение. Утилита совместима с Microsoft Remote Desktop или с Terminal Services, очень простая в использовании, но в то же время достаточно мощная и эффективная. Remote Desktop Manager подойдет для любого пользователя.

Основные особенности:
- Крошечный размер файла.
- Легко инсталлируется, удобна в использовании, не имеет ничего лишнего.
- Добавляет имя, изображение и описание в вашу конфигурацию.
- Сидит в системном трее и работает, когда вы скажете, быстрый доступ к функционалу программы.
- Поддержка специального расширения файлов удаленного рабочего стола - .rdp.
- Поддержка Microsoft Remote Desktop и Microsoft Terminal Services
- Возможность применения поисковых фильтров.
- Автозагрузка вместе с запуском системы.
- Автоматическое обновление.
- Симпатичный пользовательский интерфейс с поддержкой смены скинов и стилей.

What's New in This Release:
- Added browse button for the credential repository
- Added batch edit support in the SDK with the SupportBatchEdit property
- Added an image dialog with the current used images
- Added a KeePass select item dialog
- Added the description in the dashboard for the group when no session is selected
- Added more flexibility in the batch credential edit
- Added more log information (quick connect, close mode, open mode, host and manual close user name)
- Added more validation for the application installation path
- Added filter textbox auto select text on focus
- Added a better application locking with a master password
- Added Putty Telnet auto login
- Added Putty after login commands
- Added the host and credentials in command line session type
- Added a view only mode for embedded RDP (special command)
- Added prompt for alternate host menu
- Added the host and credentials in Explorer session type
- Added import of tag in keywords for Terminals
- Added a select dialog for the Windows Vault credentials
- Added a warning when an external application is opened and RDM is closing
- Added View Comment and Mark as Closed menu in the global opened session view
- Added more date filter option for the log
- Added a server home page link in the session information
- Added Team Viewer disconnection detection and logging
- Added a sorting listview in the import items dialog
- Added a global view for opened session by other users when the data source support logging
- Added the possiblity to use $HOST$ in a template when importing with the wizard
- Added the Dropbox data source
- Added an option to warn if a connection is already opened by checking the log
- Added multi-tab support for the embedded web browsing (IE and Firefox)
- Added ByPassMRCHostEntry for Dameware
- Added an option to open the VPN before the alternate host selection
- Added an advanced session option to force the machine name for the domain (override the credential)
- Added the possibility to embed a credential configuration
- Added batch edit for general settings (events, VPN, image, descriptions, display...)
- Added the possibility to delete a sub connection from the tree view
- Added an option to collapse the tree view root (Show tree view root lines)
- Added 1Password support for the credentials
- Added Chrome Password and Firefox Password manager support for the credentials
- Added credential repository support for the tool credential
- Added a filter dialog available even when the footer is hidden
- Added a setting to create a user without creating the SQL Server login / user
- Added a Remote Desktop Connection Manager importer (including the username / password)
- Added the possibility to embed in a session an rdp file
- Added a data source setting (SQL Server only) to disable all the shared or local password
- Added many field in the database log (group, UTC, logged username)
- Added a small delay in the filter
- Added a menu to open the session information (contact, computer...) embedded
- Added template session tools type
- Added command line session tools type
- Added a VPN, credentials entries and session tools dialog in the View menu
- Added custom icon support for credentials
- Added the credentials type specific icon display in the tree view
- Added Web connection data source
- Added Ftp connection data source
- Added more information (host, console mode, username and domain) in the embedded tab page tooltip
- Added Open From Template, to open a session with another type
- Added multi select sessions for Wake On Lan and ping
- Added alternate host ping
- Added LastPass support
- Added local specific settings (override)
- Added local and user specific settings (override) for the credential entry
- Added an embedded session footer available from the menu
- Added alternate host list
- Added session tool custom credentials support
- Added sub connection support in list view
- Added a tab page category to create group opened session
- Added Performance Monitor and Device Manager to the application tools
- Added the possibility to configure a readonly data source for Access, S3 and Xml
- Added the possibility to undock an embedded form
- Added manual login for embedded web site
- Added filter for in the edit session dialog
- Added an option to enter a comment in the log before the connection
- Added security group support for credentials
- Added support for variables in session tools
- Added flexibility for user specific settings (the record is created if not exists)
- Added an Active Directory user browser for the SQL Server add user dialog
- Added a button to set the favicon image to a web session
- Added a VPN execution pause option (used to allow the VPN to complete the connection)
- Added an info to indicate if the user is an administrator in the about box
- Added the Addon Manager
- Added a variable dialog
- Added auto login of web page (IE and embedded mode)
- Added auto login for Logmein with fullscreen support (embedded mode only)
- Added a notification and a message when the free upgrade period is ended
- Added an option to disable the open of a session with the Enter key
- Disable the embedded mode for WinSCP (it's not supported)
- Merged the RDP custom host and linked file
- New add data source dialog with Minor UI enhancements
- Changed the data source icon to display the data source type
- Integrated PSExec as a session tool
- Integrated Keepass in the credential dialog
- It's now possible to add a sub connection directly from the tree view
- It's now possible to open an embedded connection from a shortcut
- It's now possible to leave the ID empty and get prompted for it with TeamViewer
- The old application locking is no longer supported
- Updated the wait progress dialog
- The passphrase text in the dialog is now hidden by default
- Integrated the new splashscreen
- It's now possible to create a text file (Override.cfg) in the application folder to force a path for the option (use the "." for the application path or enter the path directly in the file)
- It's now possible to lock the data source settings
- It's now possible to filter the VPN and the session tools from the tree view
- Optimized the custom image loading (better caching)
- Reorganized the import / export menus
- Disabled some actions in offline mode (share template and batch edit)
- Small opened session refresh optimization
- Integrated the Firefox add-on and migrated the session type to a web session type
- It's now possible to select one or more session from a list when importing from other applications
- Fixed some enable / disable problem with VPN and credentials
- Fixed a tab click problem with Putty and any other embedded external application
- Fixed a lost focus with Putty when you tab from another application
- Fixed a possible issue when pressing Enter and the filter is not applied
- Fixed a dashboard refresh bug when switching data source
- Fixed some validation issues with the VPN
- Fixed a bug with the default config deleted after the copy
- Fixed a Putty text cutoff problem when moving to another tab
- Fixed a possible bug when editing in batch the group
- Fixed a possible false warning when editing in batch the general settings
- Fixed a problem with the global opened connection when switching from data source
- Fixed a problem when closing a session in another data source
- Fixed a enable / disable menu in the filter popup
- Fixed a annoying context menu close when the session is opened in the filter popup
- Fixed a possible issue with the Cisco VPN Client 64 Bits
- Fixed a possible issue with the application lock
- Fixed a bug with the duplicate and the children (sub connections)
- Fixed a refresh bug on session closed in the dashboard
- Fixed some possible crash with the Putty sessions
- Fixed a bug with the import of VisionApp .vrd file
- Fixed a bug with Team Viewer 6.0
- Fixed a bug with the close VPN disabled in the dashboard
- Fixed a bug with the option Hide tab strip overflow
- Fixed a possible issue with the focus of the RDP when changing tab
- Fixed a possible crash with the external session mode of Firefox
- Fixed a bug with the delete of a session in the dashboard
- Fixed a refresh bug with the deselection of a node in the tree view
- Fixed some possible offline mode issue when the attachment or log are opened
- Minor UI fixes and enhancements
- The application is now reading the DisablePasswordSaving policy
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