Beyond Compare 3.3.1 Build 13971

Beyond Compare - программа для сравнения файлов и папок. С ее помощью можно синхронизировать архивы, сайты FTP, обновлять веб-сайты, управлять исходным кодом, находить отличия между двумя текстовыми файлами и многое другое. Beyond Compare может сохранять образцы структуры выбранных папок и в заданное время сравнивать их с теми копиями, которые находятся на диске. Программа поддерживает большое количество операций с файлами и папками, в том числе скрипты для автоматизации заданий. Кроме этого в состав Beyond Compare входят просмотрщики для большого количества типов файлов.

Особенности программы:
- сравнение текстовых файлов
- сравнение папок, zip архивов, ftp сайтов
- обновление вебсайтов
- объединение изменений кода
- и многое другое
Дополнительные возможности:
- Объединение текста из 3 источников
- Сравнение независимых изменений с основным источником для создания нового объединенного контента
- Интеграция исходных элементов управления
- Добавление комманд для проверки файлов в SCC-совместимых версиях систем управления
- Встроенная поддержка SFTP
- Интегрированная поддержка для безопасных FTP протоколов (SFTP и FTP через SSL)
- Замена текста
- Регулирование настроек сравнения папок. Например, вы можете сравнивать .gif файлы в одной папке с .png файлами в другой папке, имеющие одинаковые названия

What's New in This Release:
Notable Changes
- Added full context menu extensions on Linux for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce), with configurable visibility and submenus.
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin, and added support for FIFOs on Linux.
- Copying to/from FTP/SFTP servers now copies the Unix mode (rwx).
- Character encoding errors during saving now prompt to use a different code page instead of refusing to save.
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files in file views.
- Fixed FTP timezone autodetection.
- Fixed zips not showing files that have paths beginning with /.
- Fixed extracting files from some .7z archives.
- Improved memory usage and speed when reading/writing large snapshots.
Command Line
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin.
Data Compare
- Added "Select All" button to "Find" dialog.
- "Go To" dialog supports column selection in the row details.
- Removed "characters per line limit" file format setting.
- Improved error handling when line is too long (over 65536 characters), particularly for multi-line cells.
- Fixed editing key column settings when the default column handling is unimportant.
- Fixed crash when loading files with extremely long lines.
- Fixed foreground coloring for non-text columns with differences.
- Fixed hang using Find dialog's "Select All" and "Wrap Search" options.
- Fixed Find "Select All" selecting the current line when it doesn't match the search.
- Fixed detection of whether to save before using new file format.
File Formats
- Improved "Bash Scripts" handling of escaped quotes and apostrophes.
- Fixed "DisplayAlerts" error using MS Office conversion file formats with Office 2000.
- Fixed "PDF Documents" to use unicode handling.
- Fixed "MS Excel Workbooks" to use unicode handling.
- Improved "SQL" file format string definitions.
File Views
- Added default shortcuts: "Recompare"=[Ctrl+F5], "Copy File to Right and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+R], "Copy File to Left and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+L]
- Using "Swap Sides" command now preserves the scrollbar position when the cursor is offscreen.
- "Compare Files Using" now maintains parent session link.
- Fixed thumbnail flashing when a comparison is loading.
- Fixed crash when painting the thumbnail.
- Fixed crash after minimizing a Find dialog and switching tabs.
- Fixed using "Save As" after an external conversion so the default filename matches the input with a '.txt' extension.
- Fixed focus changing from the right to left side when opening a new file.
Folder Compare
- Added default shortcuts: "Align With"=[F6], "New Folder"=[Ins], "Refresh Selection"=[Shift+F5], "Mirror Right"=[Shift+Ctrl+R], "Mirror Left"= [Shift+Ctrl+L]
- Improved Samba auto-detection.
- Improved error handling of network errors when loading folder listings.
- Fixed symlinks to drive roots being incorrectly detected as recursive.
- Fixed renaming a symbolic link with "Follow Symlinks" active showing both the original and renamed entries until a refresh.
- Fixed recursive symlinks not getting logged as errors when trying to expand them.
- Fixed "Find" "Select All" button so it will select the current line if it matches.
- Fixed file counts so they use thousands separators.
- Fixed File Filter combobox showing the wrong context menu.
- Fixed invalidation when changing filters that only affect one side of a comparison.
- Disabled using large buffers to retrieve folder listings on remote servers to help with buggy NAS devices.
- Fixed crash when using "Copy file to left and open next difference" in file compare.
Folder Sync
- Auto-generated session names now include the sync preset name and directional arrows.
- Uploading to FTP/SFTP servers now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Added support for symbolic links in Pure-FTPD's MLSD listing.
- Fixed timezone autodetection, and fixed logging positive local biases as off by 1 minute.
- Fixed "Generate SSH Key Pair" dialog's "Generate" and "Cancel" buttons to respond to [Enter] and [Esc].
- Fixed FTP connections not respecting the <default> settings for "Limit ports used for active transfers (PORT)".
- Fixed crash if a server returns an invalid date in an MDTM request.
- Fixed crash when an FTP Profile's "Encoding" setting is set to either "Unicode" or "Unicode (Big Endian)".
- Fixed prompting to connect when an FTPS SSL certificate's common name doesn't match the host name.
- Fixed connecting to CrushFTP SSH servers.
- Fixed freeze when reloading a Text Compare after saving changes and copying them in the Folder Compare.
Hex Compare
- Fixed Hex find.
- Text display now uses the system encoding instead of Windows-1252.
- Added full context menu extensions for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce). They support all of the options the Windows release has.
- Added support for comparing FIFOs from the command line.
- .bcss files are now associated with Beyond Compare.
- Downloading from FTP/SFTP to a local filesystem now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Improved crash handler dialog.
- Fixed errors installing .deb on Ubuntu 11.04.
- Fixed text merge crash when painting center editor.
- Fixed reports printing without line numbers, titles, or footers.
- Fixed load error when comparing RPMs.
- Fixed deleting a symbolic link to the recycle bin.
- Fixed launching default browser when not running KDE or Gnome.
- Fixed support for [Ctrl+A] to select all in edits.
- Fixed treeviews not responding to [*] as "Expand All Subfolders".
- Fixed focus issues with radio button groups.
- Fixed Text "Go To" dialog's default focus.
- Fixed current folder for external conversion file formats.
- Fixed Hex Compare's background coloring of differences.
- Fixed crash when middle-clicking on a tab to close it.
- Fixed lintian error in .deb installer on Ubuntu 11.04 and later.
- Added [Ctrl+Q] as the default shortcut for "Session->Exit".
- XML encoding detection now defaults to UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
- Forms now check if active control handles key accelerator, in particular browse edits.
- Labels showing partial filenames now include the full path as a hint.
- Fixed SpinEdit focus handling, in particular in response to associated key accelerator
- Fixed session tab's "Tear Off" command to affect the right-clicked tab instead of the active one.
- Fixed drag and drop reordering in various lists (File Formats, Grammars, etc) so items can't be dropped onto unrelated windows.
- Fixed converting dates to text on systems with non-ASCII characters (ex. clipboard title on Greek systems).
- Fixed error message for failed Unicode conversions.
- Fixed context menu in Text Compare's "View -> Web Pages" display and in "Check for Updates" dialog.
- Fixed crash when closing BC while the help window is open on a 32-bit Vista/Win7 system with IE9 installed.
- Fixed help window hanging if Beyond Compare's foreground thread is busy.
- Fixed updating menus with toolbar visibility when closing undocked toolbars.
- Fixed control positions when running on Far East systems with scaled fonts.
- Fixed displaying localized dates in various places. (affects Delphi "Select Revisions" dialog, "Startup" options page, Data Compare cells, MP3 Compare tags, FTP "View Certificate" dialog)
MP3 Compare
- Added "Play Both" to "Session" menu.
- Fixed crash when comparing MP3 tags with line endings.
- Added explanation that Explorer integration requires non-portable install.
- Added "milliseconds before incremental search resets" tweak.
- "Open With" options page now confirms clearing list.
- Tweaked layout for various pages.
- Fixed changing "Detect partial file locks on" tweak to enable "Apply" button.
Picture Compare
- Fixed copying to clipboard.
Registry Compare
- Added "Open in Text Edit" for files.
- Added "Up One Level" spec bar buttons.
- Fixed reading .reg files with comments after the first line.
- Text "XML Dump" now includes display filter, show context, ignore unimportant, and just selection states.
- Folder and Picture Compare report headers now include whether unimportant differences are ignored.
- Removed unnecessary "Just Selection" option from MP3, Registry, and Version Compare reports.
- Removed unnecessary "Mode" option from "File Summary" reports.
- Fixed truncation if a Folder Compare report contains characters that don't exist in the system's ANSI code page.
- Fixed Text "Stats" report not to count empty on both sides as added line.
- Fixed report generation when using print preview with different report styles without closing the report dialog.
- Report layouts that don't use colors no longer offer HTML difference highlighting.
- Data Compare report no longer tries to right justify floating point data.
- Fixed crash generating a Picture Compare report of an empty comparison.
- Fixed shortcuts displayed in hints in the Print Preview dialog.
- Added "CRITERIA FOLLOW-SYMLINKS" option to enable the "Follow Symbolic Links" session setting.
- Added "FILTER INCLUDE-PROTECTED" option to disable the "Exclude protected operating system files" filter, and "FILTER EXCLUDE-PROTECTED" to re-enable it.
- Added "Locked" to "Session" menu.
- Fixed extracting session name/path on CJK systems.
Source Control
- Comparisons launched from PVCS no longer treat the original file as read-only.
- Fixed PVCS integration when launched from Visual Studio.
Text Views
- Character encoding errors during saving now prompt to use a different code page, rather than refusing to save.
- Added default shortcuts: "Next Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+N], "Previous Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P]
- Improved "Grammar Item" dialog's "Delimited" handling when "to" must be single character (not RegEx, Escape defined).
- Improved "Next/Previous Difference" handling and improved performance.
- Fixed line endings being inserted when copying wrapped lines.
- Fixed "View->Webpages" so it doesn't trigger the file format "Trim trailing whitespace" or "Convert leading spaces to tabs" on save behavior.
- Fixed Find matching the last match repeatedly when wrap is disabled.
- Fixed character alignment gap handling when ignoring unimportant differences (affects "Next/Previous Difference").
- Fixed "Find Next/Previous" so it doesn't support editing in line mode.
- Fixed crash when deleting text with gaps.
- Fixed crash when changing horizontal scroll position.
- Fixed Replace All with "Wrap search" behavior.
- Fixed crash when using "Replace All" with "Show Differences" comparing identical files.
- Fixed crash using "Previous Difference" when first segment is character alignment gap.
Text Compare
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files.
- Declining to edit a binary files when prompted will prompt again at the next attempt instead of disabling editing.
Text Merge
- Added "Take Left Then Right" and "Take Right Then Left" to center panel's context menu and fixed position of "Copy".
- Fixed crash when using certain commands with a detached output window.
- Fixed "Open With" and "Open with Text Edit" in output pane.
Version Compare
- Improved error handling of malformed version information.
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