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Serv-U File Server 11.0.0

Serv-U File Server

Serv-U File Server - гибко настраиваемый файловый сервер для операционных систем Windows. Как один из самых популярных в отрасли, Serv-U имеет богатую историю как надежный, быстрый и многофункциональный сервер, что является жизненно важным для администраторов. Функции безопасности обеспечиваются паролями и установкой прав на запись/чтение/изменение для каталогов и файлов для каждого пользователя, а также контролем доступа по IP-адресам. К другим особенностям относится поддержка одновременной работы нескольких пользователей, установка коэффициентов для upload/download, установка дисковых квот, поддержка возобновления приема-передачи, поддержка SSL для обеспечения безопасных соединений, мониторинг работы пользователей в реальном времени и ведения логов.

Serv-U File Server 11

Возможности программы:

  • Быстрая и простая установка и администрирование
  • Безопасные FTP-соединения с помощью SSL/TLS шифрования
  • Безопасная передача данных через SFTP с использованием SSH2
  • Поддержка HTTP и HTTPS
  • Поддержка баз данных через ODBC
  • Поддержка Windows NT-SAM/Active Directory авторизации
  • Автоматическая компрессия "на лету" при передаче данных
  • Задание индивидуальных привилегий и ограничений для каждого пользователя
  • Удаленное администрирование через веб-браузер
  • Системная служба в Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven
  • Временные аккаунты, которые автоматически удаляются после окончания срока действия
  • Соотношения Загр/Выгр, дисковые квоты, ограничение сетевого трафика и средства анти-таймаута
  • Полная поддержка UNC путей
  • Поддержка виртуальных путей. Можно открыть доступ к папкам и дискам из домашней директории пользователя
  • Обмен сообщениями с Сисадмином
  • Группы для создания большого количества пользователей с одинаковыми привилегиями
  • Полная поддержка FTP-стандартов RFC959, RFC1123, RFC1760, RFC2228, RFC2246, RFC2289, RFC2389 и защищенных FTP
  • Возобновление прерванных загрузок и выгрузок
  • Конфигурируемые сообщения для авторизации, листинга и изменения папок
  • Журналирование всех транзакций в файл, который можно прочитать в других программах. Включает уникальный ID сессии, метку времени и дату
Serv-U File Server 11.0.0
Serv-U File Server 11.0.0

Supported Platforms:

  • Windows XP SP2+
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008

What's New in This Release:


  • Created Serv-U Linux. Serv-U is capable of running natively on both Microsoft Windows and most Linux platforms.
  • Added the ability to import and export IP access rules for the server, domains, users, and groups in CSV text file format.
  • Added events when user accounts are automatically disabled or automatically deleted.
  • Added an event to identify when a user account's password is about to expire (stale).
  • Added an event to identify when a user account is about to be automatically disabled.
  • Added an event to identify when a user account is about to be automatically deleted.
  • Added an event to identify when a user session sets an account email address.
  • Added an event to identify when a user session attempts to set an account email address but fails.
  • Added a setting used to identify how many days before expiration that a user's password is to become stale.
  • Added a setting used to identify how many days before automatically disabling a user account before triggering the pre-disable event.
  • Added a setting used to identify how many days before automatically deleting that a user account before triggering the pre-delete event.
  • Added a setting to require an end-user to set an email address (disabled by default).
  • Added a setting to allow (or disallow) end-users to set an email address through the Web Client (disallowed by default).
  • Added a security log line for successful user account email address setting cwer.ws.
  • Added the ability to roll over log files hourly.
  • Added a new log path variable; %H - hour (24-hour clock).
  • Added a template email message, when creating "common" events, to email to the end-user when the end-user's password is about to become stale.
  • Added a template email message, when creating "common" events, to email to the end-user when the end-user's account is about to be automatically disabled.
  • Added a template email message, when creating "common" events, to email to the end-user when the end-user's account is about to be automatically deleted.
  • Changed the triggered event for automatic user deletion from SUEVENT_ID_USER_DELETED to SUEVENT_ID_USER_AUTOMATICALLY_DELETED.
  • Added support for aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr encryption algorithms in the SSH2 protocol.
  • Added the FTP "COMB" command used to combine two or more files together, one-by-one, and remove all but the first specified file. This command allows FTP clients to perform multi-part uploads improving client performance in some cases.
  • Upgraded development environment and Microsoft runtime libraries.
  • Changed email address validation to allow international domain names (IDN).


  • Improved the look of the "Default" tray theme to use a stylized icon and easier-to-see animation.
  • Improved the look of the "Classic Green U" tray theme icons.
  • Added "Logo" tray themes using the same icons and animations as Serv-U 7.0 - 10.5.
  • Changed the pop-up menu icons to be more consistent with the Management Console, Web Client, Web Client Pro, and FTP Voyager JV.

Management Console:
  • Added the ability to customize the server or domain's login page by specifying HTML header, footer, favicon.ico, and CSS (cascaded style sheet) files.
  • Added sample custom HTML files, installed into the "Custom HTML Samples" subdirectory in Serv-U's installation directory.
  • Added the ability to view the domain/server log after testing an event to ensure the event triggered properly.
  • Added a button on the user and group statistics page to clear or reset the statistics for the selected user or group.
  • Added the ability to maintain user and group statistics between Serv-U restarts. This release changes the default to maintain the statistics between Serv-U restarts.

Web Client:
  • Added the "Web Client Pro" to perform multiple transfers. Please see "Web Client Pro" below for a list of features.
  • Added the ability to navigate through images using keyboard controls in the Web Client image preview dialog.
  • Added a button to allow end-users to change the user account's email address.
  • Added a dialog, after login, that requires end-users to enter an email address for the user account.
  • Improved the Web Client context menus by adding more options and allowing use when in both details and thumbnail view.
  • Added the ability for non-Apple mobile devices to download and upload files using the Mobile Web Client.
  • Added a "Directory Properties" option in the Web Client context menu and removed the "Help" option.
  • Changed the "Upload" dialog in the Web Client to clear the file path input when the dialog is closed using the cancel button.

Web Client Pro:
  • Added the ability to transfer folders.
  • Added the ability to download multiple files/folders from the current working directory to a user-specified local directory.
  • Added the ability to upload multiple files/folders from the local file system to the current working directory.
  • Added the ability to delete multiple files/folders from the current working directory.
  • Added the ability to allow the user to specify the number of concurrent transfers.
  • Added the ability to expand the transfer group item to see individual transfer items.
  • Added the ability to control transfer items; start, stop, cancel, pause, skip, resume.
  • Added the ability to confirm the overwrite of files/folders with the same name.
  • Added the ability to change the background color of the transfer rows.
  • Added the ability to automatically pause transfers that are added to the transfer queue.
  • Added the ability to automatically collapse the transfer group when it's added to the transfer queue.
  • Added the ability to automatically remove transfer items when they are complete.

FTP Voyager JV:
  • Added additional search filters to FTP Voyager JV. Now it can filter out file attributes and file types.
  • Added a button to FTP Voyager JV to allow end-users to change the user account's email address.
  • Added a dialog to FTP Voyager JV, after login, that requires end-users to enter an email address for the user account.
  • Moved FTP Voyager JV's local storage directories to coincide with Web Client Pro.
  • Added a "Stop Listing" button to the FTP Voyager JV local toolbar that halts local list operations.
  • Added a "Stop Listing" button to the FTP Voyager JV local and remote "bread crumb" navigation bars that are shown when a list operation is running.
  • Updated the default colors for compressed and encrypted folders and files for FTP Voyager JV running on Microsoft Windows.

Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug for protocol version 4 where sub-second file times were not supported even though it's defined in the draft for protocol version 4.
  • Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where SSH packets could be "reused" and misinterpreted. This is an internal bug only, but could have security concerns.
  • Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where the SSH_FXP_STATUS SSH channel packet response for SFTP versions >= 3 did not include Serv-U's language identifier.
  • Corrected email address validation to disallow multiple @ signs within email addresses.

Management Console:
  • Corrected a Management Console bug in the "IP Access" tab where it was possible for rows of "IP Access Rules" to be missing on initial loading.

Web Client:
  • Corrected a Web Client bug where it was possible for the crumb bar drop down to not be dismissed if the "ESC" key was used to close the parent dialog.
  • Corrected a Web Client bug where deleting files from the "Image Preview" dialog would not work after selecting a image from the thumbnail scroller.
  • Corrected a Web Client bug where the "Thumbnail Size" combo box would not be sized correctly and partially hidden when using an IE browser.
  • Corrected a Web Client bug where renaming a file in "Details" view would not update the file name when switching to "Thumbnails" view.

FTP Voyager JV:
  • Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where an error could occur after the user cancelled or paused a transfer resulting in a confirmation dialog being displayed to the user.
  • Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the formatting of file size fields were not including one or two digits past a decimal character.


Скачать программу Serv-U File Server 11.0.0 (17,14 МБ):

с TURBOBIT.net | LetItBit.net | VIP-file.com | DepositFiles.com
Bukkollaider 07/09/11 Просмотров: 4012
MrT 09 сентября 2011, 02:07:50

Мне больше нравится Gene6 FTP Server.

tzi0 08 сентября 2011, 19:37:39

Давно пользую. Сенкс

Crew 08 сентября 2011, 01:42:20

ЗЫЖ Хотя за релиз спасибо. :)

Crew 08 сентября 2011, 01:41:42
Слабенько ИМХО

ИМХО старые версии как-то "попрямее" были. Стояла версия 8+, работала годами, пережила не один реинстал операционок, благо все настройки доменов хранит внутри себя же. Работала как часы в общем. Тут решил обновить и поставить эту - не понравилась с первого взгляда. Хотя бы от перекошенной панели управления: не знаю как у вас, а у меня даже логотип компании не целиком влезает в панель управления - верх обрезается. Не говоря уже о всех меню и настройках, которые наплывают друг на друга и вылезают в самых необычных местах...

zUKO_99 07 сентября 2011, 22:20:59

laughing спасибо!!!