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Serv-U File Server

Serv-U File Server

Serv-U File Server - гибко настраиваемый файловый сервер для операционных систем Windows. Как один из самых популярных в отрасли, Serv-U имеет богатую историю как надежный, быстрый и многофункциональный сервер, что является жизненно важным для администраторов. Функции безопасности обеспечиваются паролями и установкой прав на запись/чтение/изменение для каталогов и файлов для каждого пользователя, а также контролем доступа по IP-адресам. К другим особенностям относится поддержка одновременной работы нескольких пользователей, установка коэффициентов для upload/download, установка дисковых квот, поддержка возобновления приема-передачи, поддержка SSL для обеспечения безопасных соединений, мониторинг работы пользователей в реальном времени и ведения логов.

Serv-U File Server

Возможности программы:

  • Быстрая и простая установка и администрирование
  • Безопасные FTP-соединения с помощью SSL/TLS шифрования
  • Безопасная передача данных через SFTP с использованием SSH2
  • Поддержка HTTP и HTTPS
  • Поддержка баз данных через ODBC
  • Поддержка Windows NT-SAM/Active Directory авторизации
  • Автоматическая компрессия "на лету" при передаче данных
  • Задание индивидуальных привилегий и ограничений для каждого пользователя
  • Удаленное администрирование через веб-браузер
  • Системная служба в Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven
  • Временные аккаунты, которые автоматически удаляются после окончания срока действия
  • Соотношения Загр/Выгр, дисковые квоты, ограничение сетевого трафика и средства анти-таймаута
  • Полная поддержка UNC путей
  • Поддержка виртуальных путей. Можно открыть доступ к папкам и дискам из домашней директории пользователя
  • Обмен сообщениями с Сисадмином
  • Группы для создания большого количества пользователей с одинаковыми привилегиями
  • Полная поддержка FTP-стандартов RFC959, RFC1123, RFC1760, RFC2228, RFC2246, RFC2289, RFC2389 и защищенных FTP
  • Возобновление прерванных загрузок и выгрузок
  • Конфигурируемые сообщения для авторизации, листинга и изменения папок
  • Журналирование всех транзакций в файл, который можно прочитать в других программах. Включает уникальный ID сессии, метку времени и дату
Serv-U File Server
Serv-U File Server 11.0.0

Supported Platforms:

  • Windows XP SP2+
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008

What's New in This Release:


  • Increased the XCRC (CRC32) file read buffer size from 64KB to 1MB to increase XCRC performance.
  • Automatically disable internal CRC32 caching during transfers on incredibly fast connections to improved transfer speeds.
  • Improved HTTP and HTTPS transfer speeds on very fast connections by eliminating the internal CRC32 hash calculations used by the XCRC FTP command.
  • Improved FTP upload and download transfer speeds by eliminating the internal CRC32 hash calculations used by the XCRC FTP command, when the XCRC command is disabled.
  • Changed FTP ASCII mode on Serv-U Linux so sequences on uploads are converted to and characters are converted to on downloads, as is common practice in Linux and UNIX.
  • Removed the "Interpret line feed byte as a new line when in ASCII mode" limit in Serv-U Linux.
  • When a domain or the server requires a secure connection before allowing login, Serv-U returns an error telling the end-user a secure connection is required even in response to an errant login ID.
  • Added the "newline" identifier to the SFTP (via SSH2) SSH_FXP_VERSION packet for clients using SFTP version 4 or greater. On Windows is sent, on Linux is sent.
  • Updated various context menu icons for the Management Console.
  • Added the ability for Web Client Pro users to drag and drop from Windows Explorer onto the applet to trigger uploads to the current working directory.
  • Changed the layout of the OpenJDK message box for Web Client Pro on Linux so it's easier to understand.
  • Added the ability for FTP Voyager JV users to click on the "View | Thumbnails" main menu which changes the active browser pane to thumbnail mode.
  • Added the ability for FTP Voyager JV to play audio files for successful or failed upload and download transactions.
  • Changed the format for FTP Voyager JV and Web Client Pro to exclude the thousands digit when calculating file sizes greater than one kilobyte.
  • Changed the format for FTP Voyager JV and Web Client Pro to exclude digits past the decimal when the file size is less than one kilobyte or the calculation returns a whole number.

Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a bug where Serv-U might not process socket messages, in Windows only, while performing very fast compressed downloads. When this occurred Serv-U for Windows would appear to be hung until the transfer completed.
  • Corrected an FTP ASCII mode upload bug when the "Interpret line feed byte as a new line when in ASCII mode" setting was true. If the previous packet ended with a and the next incoming packet started with a , an extra character was inserted into the file.
  • Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where opening a file for writing with the SSH_FXF_OPEN_EXISTING flag alone would not open the file.
  • Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug, introduced in, where the solution to reused or misinterpreted packets caused certain OpenSSH based clients, such as "sftp" in Linux, to be unable to transfer all but tiny files.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where it was possible for the Ratio Quota inputs to not allow user input when enabled.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where the tree navigation items were not in the correct order.
  • Corrected a bug where transparent backgrounds for tool tips were not being hidden correctly in IE browsers less than version 8.
  • Corrected a Web Client bug where the Web Client Pro button taskbar would overflow the container boundaries when using an IE 6 browser.
  • Corrected a Web Client Slide Show bug where the "Fast" and "Slow" labels on the speed control slide bar were reversed.
  • Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the "Upload From" and "Download To" dialogs were not using translated strings.
  • Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the transfer queue would fail to reassign its worker threads after the "Number of threads" were increased under the "Transfer Pane" in the "Options" dialog.
  • Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the result of the multiple delete confirmation would fail to suppress the individual delete confirmations of each row.
  • Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where the initial column sizes were not being calculated correctly on Macintosh operating systems.
  • Corrected a Web Client Pro bug where a hang occurs when attempting to transfer a file that is in use.
  • Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where a refresh of the root tree node for remote files could cause the icon to show up in a dimmed state.
  • Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where a hang occurs when attempting to transfer a file that is in use.


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Bukkollaider 30/09/11 Просмотров: 3756