
DPlot - программа для построения графиков, созданная для ученых, инженеров и студентов. Важной составной частью программы является наличие нескольких типов масштабирования, включая линейный, логарифмический и вероятностное масштабирование, а также несколько специальных графиков. В функции манипуляции входит FFT, фильтрация и сглаживание. Данные могут быть введены через файл, скопированы из буфера обмена, отправлены в DPlot из Excel с помощью Add-In или через динамичный обмен данными.
Key Features:
- Multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales on the X and/or Y axes. DPlot also provides several special purpose scale types, including grain size distribution plots, tripartite grids (shock spectra), polar charts, and triangle plots.
- Bar charts with bars drawn side-by-side or stacked.
- Box-and-whisker plots and dot graphs for one or more groups of 1D data.
- Multiple independent or dependent scales.
- Error bars with magnitudes set to a constant value, to a percentage of the amplitudes, or independently.
- Fill between 2 curves, fill the area formed by closing a curve, or fill from a curve to a specified Y value. Choose from seven pre-defined fill patterns or create a custom pattern.
- Contour plots of 3D data, shown as contour lines in a plan view of the XY plane or as shaded bands in a 3D projection. DPlot accepts both randomly-spaced 3D points and points on a rectangular grid. For rectangular grids only, DPlot can also produce a waterfall plot.
- 3D scatter plots, with up to 100 data sets and colors based on Z value or data set.
- Choose from 38 symbol styles and/or 7 line styles for your XY plots. You have full control over symbol size, line weight, and color.
- Choose from a variety of number formats for each axis. Date and time formats are customizable.
- Copy and/or link data from other sources (e.g. spreadsheets), or use our Excel Add-In to easily move data from Excel to DPlot.
- Copy and/or link DPlot-produced graphics to other applications.
- Add text notations to plots.
- Generate curves from formulas.
- Data manipulation functions include integration, differentiation, Fast Fourier Transform, filtering, data smoothing, and many other simpler editing functions.
- If you have several data records from the same high-speed event and want to play back those records in sync with each other... well, you can. Have a video associated with your data? Play the video back along with your data, synchronized at the data rate you specify.
- Interpolate between points, scan values of curves graphically, and report peak values.
- Include subscripts, superscripts, and characters from the Symbol font (Greek characters, trademark symbols, etc.) in the title lines and axis labels of your plots, as shown here.
- Plot very large data sets. The number of data points is limited only by the memory (both physical and virtual) on your system.
- Send data to and control DPlot from another program through the DPLOTLIB interface (available free-of-charge as a separate download. Example programs with source for Visual Basic, VB.NET, PowerBasic, 4 different C compilers and 5 different FORTRAN compilers are provided.
- You may create additional functionality with your own plugin modules for file import and data manipulation. Example C plugin source code is provided with the Plugin Examples.

What's New in This Release:
- Bug fix: The "fix" for Time of day (fractional days) number format in unfortunately broke all other formats on the Extents/Intervals/Size dialog.
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