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Portable Stellarium 0.11.1

Stellarium 0.11.1
Portable by PortableApps

Stellarium - астрономическая программа с многоязычным интерфейсом. В масштабе реального времени прорисовывает трехмерное фотореалистичное изображение неба, отображает звезды, созвездия, планеты; имеется карта созвездий со всеми их изображениями, дошедшими до нас от древних. Имеется ночной режим показа, отображение границ созвездий, можно выбрать "домашнюю" планету.
Stellarium вполне может оказаться полезной программой не только астрономам, но и простым пользователями: например, кликнув по карте мышью, можно прочитать подробности о находящемся в этой точке небесном теле, что само по себе интересно...

Stellarium 0.11.1

Key features of Stellarium:

  • Over 120000 stars from the Hipparcos Catalogue with name and infos for the brightest ones.
  • Planets and major satellites in real time (position computation now accurate enough for eclipse or transit simulation).
  • Drawing of the 88 constellations with their names.
  • Mythological figures of the 88 constellations.
  • Textured displaying of more than 70 nebulas (Orion, M31 etc..).
  • Photo-realistic Milky Way.
  • Star twinkling.
  • Shooting Stars.
  • Skinable landscape (ground, fog, mapping of fisheye pictures).
  • Ultra fast realistic atmosphere rendering (Sunsets, sunrises etc...).
  • Automatic eye adaptation to sky luminance using physiologic model.
  • Grids in Equatorial and Azimuthal coordinates.
  • Equator and ecliptic coordinates lines.
  • Smooth real time intuitive navigation.
  • Powerfull zoom to see planet and nebula like in a telescope.
  • Equatorial and altazimutal mount mode.
  • Standard perspective and wide angle (fisheye) projections modes (e.g for planetarium dome).
  • Time control (real time and accelered time modes).
  • Graphical menu for simple utilisation.
  • Clikable stars, planets and nebulas with informations.
  • Windowed and fullscreen modes.
  • Full dome (180°) projection mode for planetariums.
  • Text user interface for planetariums.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7

What's New in This Release:

  • Bug fix release.


  • new skyculture: Arabic
  • new moons and rings (LP: #815484, #834336)
  • new translations for landscapes and sky cultures (LP: #849292)
  • possibility to observate geo-orbiting satellites (LP: #837274)
  • new cities (LP: #856343, #860206)


  • misspelling on a star name (LP: #884795)
  • location window: map pointer position is updated on longitude/latitude change.
  • location window: fixed checking "Use as default" changing the name of the selected location to "New Location" (LP: #881613)
  • Solar System Editor plug-in: a bug in the parsing of MPC lists: the epoch's Julian Day value was wrong by 0.5 JD (LP: #836839)
  • Solar System Editor plug-in: crash while trying to browse for a local file (LP: #837396)
  • Historical Supernovae plug-in: a bug in plug-in name (LP: #803157)
  • Historical Supernovae plug-in: a bug in selected instead of nearby stars (LP: #835815)
  • doesn't load localised description of skyculture/landscape if applanguage=system_default (LP: #845924)
  • add/remove landscapes dialog bug in OSX 10.6.8 (LP: #812008)
  • horizon line setting not saved (LP: #811945)
  • orbital period totally wrong for Himalia (LP: #806174)
  • flag_show_fps = false & flag_show_fov = flase (LP: #728294)
  • 0.11.0 will crash if a landscape is selected with misspelled planet name (LP: #835422)
  • crash on selecting off-Earth location in the Location window (LP: #834886)
  • 0.11.0 crashes when switching language while location window is open (LP: #824936)
  • 0.11.0 crashes when trying using custom distortion file (LP: #871313)


Скачать программу Portable Stellarium 0.11.1 (47,98 МБ):

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Bukkollaider 19/11/11 Просмотров: 4659