UltraDefrag 6.0 Final + Portable

UltraDefrag (Ultra Defragmenter) - небольшая, но в то же время функциональная программа-дефрагментатор дисков с открытым исходным кодом. Дефрагментация происходит быстро (производится в режиме ядра). Поддерживает накопители с файловой системой FAT, FAT32, NTFS. Есть возможность запуска по расписанию. Программа наглядно информирует пользователя о процессе дефрагментации с помощью карты кластеров. при необходимости сгенерирует отчет в формате HTML. Имеет вида три интерфейса на выбор: собственный, графический и консольный. Позволяет дефрагментировать файлы, которые заблокированы системой (файл подкачки, реестра).
Консоль – режим для почитателей командной строки. С ее помощью UltraDefrag можно запустить через планировщик задач. Исполняемый файл загрузится во время запуска системы по типу chkdsk. Интерфейс UltraDefrag очень прост. В нем нет дополнительных скинов и прочего мусора. Программа компактна и эффективна.
UltraDefrag выполняет следующие функции:
- Оперативная дефрагментация диска. Процесс осуществляется в режиме ядра по оптимальному алгоритму
- Компактная система, написана исключительно в С
- Приятный и функциональный графический интерфейс
- Гарантия безопасности, поскольку работа с файлами выполняется в родном Defrag API от Microsoft
- Простота использования
- Создание отчетов HTML о фрагментации диска
- Возможность добавить/исключить файлы с помощью фильтров

ОС: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and all of the 64-bit editions of Windows.
Изменения в версии 6.0:
- the following translations were updated:
- Chinese (Traditional)
- fixed bug #175 "End of stage shows completion at 0.0%"
- log creation in case of out of memory condition added
- performance of analysis for fragmented files count above 30000 was improved dramatically
- the following translations were updated:
- Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Iloko, Italian, Russian, Spanish (ES), Spanish (MEX)
- upgrade check now better supports development releases
- out of memory condition handling added
- Internals: changed definition of WGX_OPTION structure
- WgxGetControlDimensions routine added to wgx library
- the following translations were added:
- Bengali
- the following translations were updated:
- Catalan, Italian
- added progress indication to the taskbar button for Windows 7 and more recent Windows editions; it can be turned on/off by show_progress_in_taskbar GUI option
- file fragmentation reports moved from the root directories of the drives to the /reports sub-folder of the program's directory
- added ability to configure the Explorer's context menu handler; an appropriate section added to guiopts.lua file
- bug fix: UD_IN_FILTER forced to be not ignored when individual files/directories are specified on the command line
- bug fix: UD_SORTING and UD_SORTING_ORDER environment variables forced to be set properly on GUI startup according to the Preview menu selections
- added prefixes for all the debugging messages for easier analysis of logs
- Internals: many prototypes changed in zenwinx, udefrag, wgx libraries; obsolete routines removed
- winx_bootex_check routine added to zenwinx library
- udefrag_init_library, udefrag_unload_library, udefrag_bootex_check, udefrag_bootex_register, udefrag_bootex_unregister routines added
- WgxSetTaskbarProgressState, WgxSetTaskbarProgressValue, wgx_sprintf, wgx_vsprintf, wgx_swprintf, wgx_vswprintf routines added to wgx library
- tracing macros for easier debugging added to zenwinx.h and wgx.h files
- Windows Server 2003 DDK support dropped because of lack of variadic macros support there - use Windows Driver Kit v7.1.0 instead
- the following translations were updated:
- Catalan
- all the disk processing algorithms were reimplemented to reach better efficiency and shorter processing times
- FAT optimization was implemented
- ability to sort files on the disk by the disk optimization was added; files can be sorted by path, size, creation time, last modification time, last access time - in either ascending or descending order
- ability to filter out files by size of their fragments was added (fragment_size_threshold option in GUI; UD_FRAGMENT_SIZE_THRESHOLD environment variable in command line tool and boot time interface)
- ability to tune the disk optimization by UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD environment variable (optimizer_file_size_threshold GUI option) was added
- ability to suspend/resume the running job was added to GUI
- ability to minimize the program to the taskbar notification area (system tray) was added; it can be turned on/off by minimize_to_system_tray GUI option
- MFT optimization was forced to do nothing silently on non-NTFS disks
- quite useless cyan color removed from the cluster map
- icons were redesigned to reach better appearance on Windows Vista and above
- high DPI screens support was improved
- Internals: flags field removed from winx_file_disposition structure
- many zenwinx prototypes changed by replacing short keyword by wchar_t
- useless fat32_xxx fields removed from winx_volume_information structure
- device_capacity field added to winx_volume_information structure
- WgxShowWindow and WgxHideWindow definitions added to wgx.h file
- WgxSetProcessPriority routine added to wgx library
- Windows Server 2003 DDK needs to be patched in order to compile the program; look at rsc/compilation.dox for details
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