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Syncovery 6.56 Build 198 + Portable

Portable от PortableAppZ

Syncovery (Super Flexible File Synchronizer) - обновление мощного приложения для синхронизации и резервного копирования файлов. Программа поддерживает синхронизацию с серверами по FTP протоколу, работает с zip архивами, поддерживает кодирование данных, есть встроенный планировщик. Приложение позволяет сохранять параметры настройки во множественных профилях, позволяет задавать фильтры и маски для определения точных условий синхронизации. Smart функция позволяет временно пропустить файл, запущенный каким-то приложением, чтобы приступить к синхронизации позднее. Минимальная нагрузка CPU.

Syncovery 6.56

Данная программа поддерживает FTP (программа передачи файлов) и безопасные FTP серверы, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, ZIP сжатие, кодировку информации и планировщик для автоматизированных копий. В системе Windows XP или более новых системах, захваченные файлы могут быть скопированы с помощью "Сервисов теневого копирования тома" (Volume Shadow Service). Работая с данной программой, у пользователя будет возможность свободно выбирать файлы и папки через всю иерархию папок в древовидной схеме. Кроме того, поддерживается также уведомление по электронной почте, профильные категории и различные фильтры. Предлагаемой программой поддерживаются и символы универсального кода в названиях файлов, файловых дорожках длиной до 32767 символов и многое другое.

Syncovery 6.56 Build 198

Особенности программы:

  • Синхронизация и создание резервных копий файлов, папок в различных локациях, например, ПК, ноутбуках или онлайновых хранилищах
  • Использование профилей для синхронизации файлов, благодаря чему сохраняются настройки параметров синхронизации и их не нужно настраивать заново
  • Встроенный планировщик синхронизаций и создания резервных копий
  • Поддержка интернет-протоколов FTP, FTPS, SFTP/SSH, WebDAV, SSL, HTTP, включая онлайн-хранилище Amazon S3
  • Поддержка сжатия и шифрования файлов
  • Автоматические синхронизация и создание резервных копий
  • Копирование заблокированных файлов
  • Частичное обновление файлов, для ускорения процесса синхронизации
  • И многие другие функции...

ОС: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 и 8.

Что нового в 6-ой версии:
  • New option on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet Misc: Show Notification Dialog If SmartTracking Renames a Conflicting File
  • Adds checkmark to protect files from being overwritten by zero-byte-sized files from the other side even if the empty files have a newer timestamp.
  • Additional Versioning settings allow to choose between the old .$1$. versioning and timestamp naming. In addition, one older file can be kept un-renamed in the Older folder. The program has been made smarter so that it can usually copy encoded filenames just fine without the user having to make the correct choices in terms of “Do Not Decode” under Versioning->More. In case of deletions, older files named .$1$. are now moved into the folder for deleted files along with the main file.
  • The Zip Compression Level can now be chosen.
  • Log file names now include the result summary (they are renamed when the profile completes). There’s also an option to delete logs with “Nothing to be done”.
  • Can use a standalone Firebird Server as an alternative to the embedded one.
  • Contains additional SmartTracking options for renaming conflicting files.
  • Loopholes in SSL and SSH certificate verification have been fixed. Existing jobs may have to be run manually in order to confirm the server identify (certificate fingerprints).
  • The ExtremeSync Remote Service has been updated to take folder selections and exclusions into account when generating a file list.
  • A global speed limit and group speed limits were added. The global speed limit is on the Advanced tab sheet of the Program Settings dialog. Group speed limits can be changed by right-clicking a profile. Inter-process communication is used to manage the bandwidths correctly even if some jobs are running in different processes (for example, in the foreground and in the background). You can change these bandwidths in the GUI and they will be communicated to running jobs, which will change their copying speed on the fly. To test this, you can open the main program (GUI) several times.
  • Support for advanced NTFS features: hard links, symbolic links and directory junctions can now be copied. Alternate Data streams are now always copied, even with folders.
  • Log files are now Unicode (UTF-8) and contain a list of all profile settings that are not default.
  • All profile settings can be accessed via command line, for example:
  • SuperFlexibleSynchronizer.exe ADD /Name=TestJob /Left=D:\ /Right=E:\ /L2R /RecycleDel=No /EmptyFol=No
  • To see a complete command line for a profile, choose Information->Show Profile Details in the profile.
  • Available commands: ADD, CHANGE, RENAME, DELETE, RUN
  • Google Docs uploads now use the resumable upload method with up to 10 GB in file size.
  • Profile export and import can now use CSV and XML files with all options human readable and editable. They can be imported via the GUI or a command line such as:
  • SuperFlexibleSynchronizer.exe /IMPORT="C:\Data\filename.xml"
  • In the profile, Information->Show Profile Details now shows all settings.
  • Amazon uploads can now be larger than 5GB. The part size for multipart uploads can be specified on the Program Settings dialog.
  • Rsync was added to the available Internet Protocols (on Windows only). You can choose to use it over SSH or directly.
  • The copying itself can now be done by invoking an external tool such as rsync.exe. This feature is configured via Job->Use External Copying Tool.
  • A new radio button was added to the “Move Files To Destination” mode: “Delete identical or older files from source”.
  • Duplicate filenames in the same folder on Google Docs can now automatically be cleaned up.
  • The Macintosh version now includes support for Microsoft Azure as well as two different WebDAV libraries, like the Windows version.
  • SCP support was added (on Mac & Windows). Files can now be transfered with SSH using scp rather than the SFTP subsystem, which is not available on all servers. To use this, choose the SSH protocol and the SCP library. There’s also a (slow) Pure SSH library which transfers files with the help of the base64 command, which you can use if not even scp is available.
  • SOCKS support for SSH/SFTP/SCP was added.
  • Windows only: adds IPv6 support for all included Internet Protocols. Adds SOCKS and HTTP Proxy support for FTP Library 2.
  • Windows only: new “Bypass File Buffering by Windows” checkmark was added under “Files” in the profile. This can speed up copying large files and can dramatically reduce memory usage by the system cache.
  • Adds a new “Folder Mode” for real-time synchronization on Windows (Mac has always been using “Folder Mode” only). This mode compares complete folders for which real-time events have occurred, rather than processing each file event individually. This may result in better performance depending on the amount of events, folders, and files.
  • The Restore Wizard can now find older versions of files in “Older” folders. Previously, it could find older versions only if the backup was made with Filename Encoding and all versions were in the main folder rather than a separate versioning folder.
  • Support for SITE UTIME was added to the FTP functionality in order to be able to set the uploaded filetimes with some FTP servers.

Что нового в этой версии:
  • Improved support for the five new cloud services added recently. In particular, they can now be used with the option “Cache Destination File List”, which boosts performance considerably for upload-only profiles. Google Drive authentication is now done in your default Browser, so in case of problems you can try switching the default browser.
  • Fixes Unicode (UTF-8) when used with the Gene6 FTP Server. Fixes automatic UTF-8 detection with FTP library #3.
  • Automatic throttling of sending files to the Recycle Bin if it is busy (avoids Thread Creation or Out of Memory errors).


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Bukkollaider 07/04/14 Просмотров: 1970
komar02 05 марта 2015, 16:31:16
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Bukkollaider 07 марта 2015, 10:36:38

И сама версия устарела. На сайте появилась новая