Интернет и сеть

cFosSpeed 9.60 Build 2114


cFosSpeed - это сетевой драйвер, который привязывается к имеющимся интернет-соединениям и оптимизирует передачу данных посредством приоритезации трафика. Приоритезация трафика - метод оптимизации интернет-трафика, предоставляющий максимальную скорость при минимальных задержках. Вы можете использовать cFosSpeed с маршрутизатором и/или DSL-модемом или с кабельным модемом. Так же возможно использование с прочими типами интернет-соединений. cFosSpeed поддерживает большой выбор соединений, таких как DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS и другие. Программа поможет сохранить малое время задержки в сети (ping), чтобы сделать интернет-приложения с настолько быстрым откликом, насколько это возможно. Также, одной из главных целей cFosSpeed является улучшение пропускной способности, путем устранения заторов в сети. Интерфейс программы переведен на множество языков, включая русский язык.


Обычная передача данных: прием данных должен быть подтвержден (ACK-пакеты) прежде, чем можно будет отправить новые данные.


Без Traffic Shaping: передача данных задерживает ACK-пакеты. В результате скорость приема тоже снижается.


cFos Traffic Shaping: ACK-пакеты получают высокий приоритет, позволяя принимать данные на максимальной скорости.


Ключевые возможности:

  • показ трафика
  • полная совместимость со стандартными PPPoE драйверами
  • автоматическое определение роутера
  • самонастройка
  • высоковосприимчивость при использовании с онлайн играми и Peer-to-Peer сетями, такими как eMule или Kazaa
  • свободно настраиваемые приоритеты
  • оптимизирует для быстрой работы DSL, кабельные и модемные линии, VoIP и потоковое медиа
  • поддерживает скорость интернет-соединения во время интенсивной загрузки/выгрузки
  • улучшает мобильный Интернет
  • поддерживает рассширение RWIN.

Что нового в версии 9.60 Build 2114:

  • cFosSpeed now supports IPv6. IPv6 traffic is displayed in the status window, and RWIN expansion, shaping, filters, ping latency measurement and firewall all support IPv6. GUI and CUI output has been adapted to longer IPv6 addresses.
  • Added Phone-Skin support. You can now access the cFosSpeed status window from other devices within your LAN via HTTP. This is especially useful in fullscreen mode, when you play a game or watch a video.
  • The advanced current connections dialog now displays the RTT for TCP connections.
  • Added "spd filter_call_stats" for counting of NDIS 6 filter driver calls and "spd filter_call_stats_clear" or "spd fcsclear" to clear them.
  • Added Layer 7 SRTP detection for SSL connections. If your Voice over IP connection is encrypted with SSL, cFosSpeed can now detect this and prioritize accordingly.
  • In preparation for the upcoming HTTP/2.0 standard, we improved Layer 7 SSL SPDY detection. This also reduces false positives.
  • Skin Windows can now also auto-arranged at the top right corner of the screen. You can select this in the "Window settings" menu.
  • Added three more columns to "spd perf" output for debugging.
  • New current connection dialogs.
  • Your local IP addresses are now displayed in the context menu.
  • Improved Layer-7 detection of HTTP based protocols, e.g. most of the streaming protocols.
  • cFosSpeed now tries to detect MPEG transport streams. Thanks to Ben Yee Hua and Caio Eduardo for their help
  • Added Google SPDY detection in SSL, classified as SSL_SPDY_C or SSL_SPDY_S (client or server). Since the browsers which use SPDY prioritize different HTTP streams according to their content, cFosSpeed prioritizes it as normal.
  • Added TLS 1.2 protocol detection, classified as SSL_C or SSL_S (client or server).
  • MPEG DASH is now a separate L7 protocol and (as HSTREAM_C) prioritized high.
  • Added -ipv4, -ipv6 rules.
  • Added -icmpv6-type rule that only matches IPv6 packets.
  • Re-introduced avg. segment size display in "spd cons". Use "spd cons -ass"
  • Improved "spd -tcpview" output
  • MPEG Dash is now detected if the content-type is either "text" or "application/...".
  • Added support for Windows 8.1.
  • Improved stream detection for Youtube. They are using MPEG Dash and report the content-type as text. So cFosSpeed now tries to look into the first few bytes of the HTTP body to detect video streams. Thanks to Lo0olz for the help.
  • From the data we see in the crash reports you send us, we see a lot of crashes caused by viruses or malfunction of security software. So from now on the crash handler will try to report if the crash was caused by a virus or malfunctioning software (which installs "hooks"). So you can take measures to increase system stability, e.g. clean your system, update your security software, etc.
  • Added new "spd gset dump_sessions 5": delete dump file if no RWIN expansion took place.
  • If the number of connections is exhausted, cFosSpeed will no longer fill the trace file with error messages. Thanks to rolfy for inspiration.
  • Now the completely new Russian translation is actually included! Thanks to Armor Darks.
  • Fixed bug that caused long DPC execution times and thus could cause stuttering in music playback. Thanks to Ben Yee Hua.
  • Fixed broken window lock feature.
  • Fixed a bug where window position would not remembered correctly. Thanks to Gothico.
  • All spd commands were a bit slow in responding, since trace.txt was always flushed to disk. That bug was introduced in v9.03.2042. Fixed. Thanks to Ben Yee Hua.
  • Fixed a bug with window positions, when no previous position was given.
  • Improved the way multiple skin windows are auto-arranged. Thanks to Ben Yee Hua again.
  • Fixed a rare crash when displaying current connections.
  • The Current Connections dialog would not start under XP when skin button was used. Fixed.
  • Worked around some problem with overwriting files after installation. This lead to unavailable dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect UDP connections to be selected in the advanced connections dialog.
  • Fixed changing the medium under Preferences / Currect Connection and "spd set medium" command. Thanks to Andrea Torre for bug report.
  • Fixed bug for "Direct" functions in NDIS 6.2.
  • Fixed missing status window under Windows XP for WAN connections. Thanks to Dirk Boschatzke for bug report.
  • Fixed floating point problem that caused bluescreen.
  • Fixed faulty lowering of statistical max. rx-speed when port was opened. Thanks to unknown cfosspeed user.
  • Fixed a bug in RWIN expansion that caused TCP streams to stop.
  • Fixed half-open session counter after "spd ns".
  • Fixed version checker that queried for new versions too often.
  • Fixed "spd ns" and "spd nsclear".
  • Hopefully fixed a rare bluescreen where cFosSpeed ran out of kernel stack space, if RWIN expansion was enabled. Thanks to BenYeeHua for bug report and dump file.
  • Fixed a bug in RWIN expansion that caused downloads to hang. Thanks to MaXzzz for testing and dump files.
  • Fixed a blue screen in cFosSpeed that sometimes occurred when cFosSpeed went to sleep. Thanks to Philipp Kafka for the dump file.
  • Fixed crashes in speedsrv.dll, while installing, in prioritization dialog, in status window and a bluescreen. Thanks to Ben Yee Hua, chris birk, M. Mortezaei.
  • If no content-type was found in the windows registry, cFosSpeed now uses some default mime types for the most common document types. This should help in cases where the new *.htm dialogs were not displayed, but the browser offered to save them, instead. Thanks to Barthez.
  • cFosSpeed console no longer requests Admin privileges.
  • SSL_C_BULK now has priority 'normal', because many video streams use SSL nowadays.
  • Added new state 8 (at least one FIN-ACK) for -tcp-session rule.
  • The msslimit variable has been removed and replaced by the mtu_limit variable. In IPv4 MTU = MSS+40, so if you had msslimit set to 1400, you want to set mtu_limit now to 1440.
  • The "spd stat_infos" command has been renamed to "spd port_stats".
  • "Open cFosSpeed console" is now available as well in the context menu under
  • Traffic Shaping, since Win8 doesn't offer the start menu any more.
  • Added "enter serial number" to start and context menu. This only applies to users who have a 30-digit serial number.
  • Added more trace output to dump.txt file.

ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / Windows 8 (32-бит / 64-бит).


Скачать программу cFosSpeed 9.60 Build 2114 (5,5 МБ):

с TurboBit.net | LetItBit.net | VIP-file.com | UniBytes.com
mod 07/06/14 Просмотров: 4655
periklytos 10 декабря 2014, 00:55:38

Хотелось бы версию посвежей...умельцы ушли в отпуск?

taralevich 29 октября 2014, 19:57:33

Всем добрый вечер. Подскажите как активировать, ни чего не выходит. Считает дни пробной версии. Спасибо.

makhouni 06 июня 2014, 02:04:39

А можно обновить ссылки
*есть обнова v9.62

Armij 11 мая 2014, 21:11:13
cFosSpeed 9.60 Build 2114

Установил cFosSpeed 9.60 Build 2114 и просто обалдел насколько шустрее заработал инет.Админу спасибо!

desert2009 08 мая 2014, 12:51:10

а "таблетка" есть?

desert2009 08 мая 2014, 13:25:31

Ага, теперь понял - в архиве "cFosSpeed Trial Reset 3.3.exe"...

star1337 08 мая 2014, 12:41:22

стоит ли ставить если в квартире роутер, в компе ви фи адапетер?! будет толк или нет?