
Deep Freeze Enterprise / Server Enterprise

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze — приложение, позволяющее системным администраторам или простым пользователям защитить ядро операционной системы, а также конфигурационные файлы на компьютере или сервере от нежелательных изменений и восстанавливать первоначальные настройки системы каждый раз после перезагрузки компьютера, независимо от того, случайно или злонамеренно произведены изменения ядра.

Deep Freeze Enterprise 7

Technical features

  • 100% workstation recovery on restart
  • Supports multiple hard drives and multi boot environments
  • Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Mac OSX compatible
  • Reboot in "Thawed" mode to make permanent configuration changes
  • Integrates seamlessly with Faronics Anti-Virus, retaining definition updates
  • Create up to 8 Thawspaces for retaining programs, files and changes
Deep Freeze Enterprise

ОС: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Server 2000, 2003, 2008 или 2012 (32 и 64-бит)

Что нового в этой версии:

New Features
  • Workstations are supported on Windows 8
  • Enterprise Console is supported on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8 Start Screen Enhancements
    • Display Deep Freeze notifications for shutdown, restart, maintenance etc. on top of Start Screen.
    • Display Deep Freeze Administrator and Enterprise Console tiles.
  • Support for Windows To Go
    • Deep Freeze can be installed on Windows To Go to boot and run from mass storage devices such as USB flash drives and external hard disk drives.
  • Disable System Refresh and Reset
    • Disable Windows 8 System Refresh and Reset when Frozen.
  • Support for BitLocker “Used Disk Space” Encryption
    • Deep Freeze is compatible with “Used Disk Space Only” encryption in BitLocker on Windows 8.
  • License Key Activation
    • This version will include the ability to activate the license key. Activation is simple and painless and does not require the user to input any personal or authentication information.


  • 5713 – Enterprise Console may display nested, repeating groups. (Case No: OSK-352-44278)
  • 6074 – DFWUlogfile.log is malformed after Deep Freeze upgrade from 7.30 to 7.50. (BXR-449-70108)
  • 6143 – Enterprise Console hangs when RDPing into the console workstation while the Enterprise Console is running. (XPT-246-31060)
  • 6297 – For deployments over 500 workstations, when running Deep Freeze Tasks from the Enterprise Console, workstations tasks are slow to complete. This issue was introduced in v7.5 and an upgrade of the clients to v7.6 is recommended to resolve it. (LKH-533-91318)
  • 6300 – Enterprise Console hangs when trying to remove workstations from user defined group. (AWD-418-82273)
  • 6501 – Cannot change Windows Update settings on workstation after using “Run Windows Update” from Enterprise Console. (TTW-580-31610)
  • 6762 – Workstation BSOD when ejecting ESATA devices. (XCN-236-87261)

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Specific Fixes

  • 5473 – BSOD at Windows 8 login screen when DF attempts to mount cache folder for Windows updates.
  • 5511 – When remotely accessing Windows 8 workstations while Thawed and Locked, keyboard and mouse remain locked and black screen shows.
  • 5512 – Remotely accessing a Windows 8 workstation in a Frozen or Locked state and then Locking it will cause the target workstation to reboot unexpectedly.
  • 5537 – Workstation will BSOD when DF is installed with Windows 8 Storage Spaces.
  • 6085 – Workstations BSOD when creating ThawSpace on ReFS.
  • 6085 – On Windows Server 2012: ThawSpace hosted on ReFS partition is not accessible.
  • 6104 – Windows Server 2012 will BSOD while performing a backup
  • 6234 – On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: The workstation BSOD when installing ThawSpaces on Windows Storage Spaces.
  • 6265 – On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Deep Freeze workstation does not show pop up messages on Windows Start screen.
  • 6306 – On Windows Server 2012: Deadlock on startup, when boot into Frozen state on the system with Storage Spaces hosted on physical disk
  • 6338 – Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Storage Space drive remains Frozen when configured as Thawed.
  • 6713 – On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Sent Message is not displayed on the target workstation which is automatically logged in.
  • 6735 – Windows 8: Cannot manually shutdown Deep Freeze workstation with “Fast Start up” option enabled.
  • 6819 – Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Notifications with a Cancel button consumes 100% CPU even after clicking on it.

Accepted Behavior for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

  • 6147 – Windows 8: If there are any ThawSpace existing, recimg.exe fails to create backup image.
  • 6151 – When backing up the workstation in a Frozen state, both the backup application and the system hangs. Do not backup when workstation is Frozen.
  • 6332 – Status of Dynamic StorageSpace drives on Windows 8 workstations are reported as “Healthy (At Risk)” in Disk Manager.
  • 6811 – Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: When the Notification displays on the logon screen it does not stay on top of the Start screen.
  • 6821 – Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: A new Notification window does not popup if another Notification window is running in another user session.

Known issues

  • 2908 – Duplicate workstation entry may be displayed in Enterprise Console. (Case No: KRY-491-25099)
  • 4443 – Boot loops may occur if a Windows Update Task is interrupted by configuration changes from the Enterprise Console or forcible ending the Workstation Task. (Case No: MOR-579-15196)
  • 5942 – Restart or Shutdown tasks initiated from Enterprise Console fails on Deep Freeze workstations with Novell Client 4.91 SP5 and custom login extension. (Case No: HNR-735-45152)
  • 6040 – Under certain circumstances, scheduled tasks created via the Enterprise Console may not reflect the correct next execution date and time in the schedule properties. (Case No: MQH-600-96233)
  • 6351 – Lock Keyboard and Mouse command fails on workstations with touch screens.
  • 6356 – Idle Time Task pops up regardless of touch screen activities.
  • 6950 – On XP, whenever the Windows Screensaver is active on logon screen, remote Deep Freeze actions do not kick-in. (IQA-512-62854)
  • 7051 – Deep Freeze installation on workstation images – “hanging at shutdown” during Login Script. (CFF-939-12971)


Скачать программу Deep Freeze Enterprise (21,77 МБ):

с DepositFiles.com | LetItBit.net | VIP-file.com | TurboBit.net


Скачать программу Deep Freeze Server Enterprise (21,48 МБ):

с DepositFiles.com | LetItBit.net | VIP-file.com | TurboBit.net
Bukkollaider 08/01/13 Просмотров: 4314
ukrgaztex 11 января 2013, 11:18:05

Чем отличаются Enterprise / Server Enterprise ?

jurassic 11 января 2013, 11:26:37

Как это ни странно, но Server - это серверная версия shok

tandyru 09 января 2013, 21:39:20

Недавно обновилась ShadowDefender (наследник ShadowUser), которой я пользовался. Эта сильно лучше? Или просто аналогичная?

pangasiys 09 января 2013, 07:07:23

была бы она на русском то может быть и стала бы выбором очень многих юзеров а так я сомневаюсь что ее многие скачают потому что она на инглише и ничего не понятно как с ней работать

De1ete 09 января 2013, 15:50:25

На русском подобная программа называется Time Freeze 2.0
Пользуюсь 2 года, до этого был ShadowUser
Ищите в поисковике

dimus2 09 января 2013, 05:52:19

хорошая софтина, не раз выручала, кстати очень схожа со старичком ShadowUser Pro