Opera Mobile 9.51 beta 2

Opera Mobile - быстрый и безопасный браузер для устройств, работающих под управлением операционной системы Windows Mobile 5/6
Known issues
ActiveX is disabled - Flash plugins and embedded video streaming do not work.
Custom software keyboards (IME) will be buggy at best, not working at worst.
No multilingual build - Only English is supported. Problems with other languages (and input methods) are not unexpected.
Installation on memory cards may cause problems.
Text wraps in overview mode.
Main testing has been done on English HTC devices (Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, Touch, Touch Dual, Touch Cruise, TyTN and Wizard) and Samsung i900.
Landscape mode does not take keyboard position into consideration.
Devices with low memory might get Out Of Memory (OOM) messages.
Opera is always running when the Widgets Manager is running.
On devices with hight DPI some of the pre-installed widgets look small.
When an URL is opened from a widget, there will be an extra browser window opened in the background that's not working properly.
Платформа (ОС): Windows modile 5/6, Pocket PC
Скачать Opera Mobile 9.51 beta 2 (5,82 МБ):
shapiros 21/10/08 Просмотров: 3567