Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise 8.0

Adobe ColdFusion 8
Adobe ColdFusion предназначена для веб-разработчиков. В ColdFusion используется технология Adobe Flex и компоненты Ajax. Среди нововведений последней версии отмечают новые мастера на основе Eclipse, отладчик ошибок, Server Monitor для определения критических параметров и настройки сервера для наилучшей производительности.
ColdFusion 8 интегрируется с самыми разными платформами и системами. Среди них .NET, Windows Vista и новые сервера J2EE, в том числе JBoss. Приложения ColdFusion 8 взаимодействуют с документами Adobe PDF.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software solves the day-to-day challenges of Internet application development, allowing you to be extremely productive as you create and deliver engaging online applications. And because it fits into any IT environment, you can use ColdFusion 8 for everything from small departmental applications to highly scalable, reliable implementations of your most important business applications.
Adobe ColdFusion software makes Internet application development and deployment faster and easier than any other solution available today. More than 300,000 developers at over 10,000 companies worldwide rely on ColdFusion to quickly build and deploy powerful Internet applications, making ColdFusion one of the most widely adopted web technologies in the industry.
Experience the power that ColdFusion has to offer by browsing code snippets, examining sample applications, and seeing new features in action in this online version of the in-product Getting Started Experience. With a host of new features, dramatically improved performance and scalability, and easier integration with enterprise IT environments, Adobe ColdFusion 8 is a must-have release for ColdFusion developers.
New in ColdFusion 8:
Server Monitor
See exactly what's happening in your application to help identify bottlenecks and tune the server for better performance. ColdFusion 8 also features a Multiserver Monitor to gain insight on all servers in a cluster.
PDF features
ColdFusion 8 applications can dynamically generate and interact with PDF documents and forms for a printable, portable way to intelligently capture and share information.
Ajax features
ColdFusion 8 can easily provide data to existing Ajax applications and frameworks. You can use simple tags to access a large library of prebuilt Ajax user interface components such as rich text editors, data grids, tree controls, tab navigators, and more.
.NET integration
With ColdFusion 8, you can specify any .NET object — either local or remote — and use it in your ColdFusion application, just like any Java™ or other object resource.
Microsoft Exchange Server integration
Programmatically interact with a Microsoft Exchange server to perform common tasks such as reading, creating, and modifying calendar events, contacts, tasks, and e-mail.
Interactive debugger
ColdFusion 8 introduces an Eclipse™ plug-in debugger. Use it to set breakpoints, watch variables, and step through code, making it easier to debug all your application code.
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