Consuelo de Andres Martínez, Eugenia Ariza Bruce. Camino al espanol. A Comprehensive Course in Spanish

Начальный интенсивный курс по изучению испанского языка, который специально разработан для взрослых учащихся и уделяет равное внимание всем языковым навыкам.
This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish, giving balanced attention to the four key language skills. The course includes quality audio materials recorded by native speakers, grammar-acquisition exercises which facilitate independent study, and authentic written materials to develop important receptive skills and encourage the transition to independent reading. It also features an abundance of pair and group activities ideal for classroom use, as well as teacher's guidelines. Based on a style of Spanish easily understood by most speakers, the course clarifies the main differences between peninsular and Latin American forms and usage.
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Жанр: иностранные языки, обучение, испанский
Формат: PDF + MP3
Страниц: 451
Язык: английский, испанский
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