
Easy Pronunciation

Easy Pronunciation

Практическое пособие по усовершенствованию американского варианта английского произношения.

Improve your American English Pronunciation quickly, easily, and effectively with the simplest and most practical program available. No matter what your level of English is—or if you're trying to lessen a strong regional accent—this program will help you sound more natural and communicate with greater ease and confidence.
Better pronunciation means clearer communication—at school, on the job, or in any social setting. Easy Pronunciation from Living Language is practical, convenient, and simple to use. The explanations are clear enough for anyone to understand, and there's plenty of practice to get every sound just right. All you have to do is listen and repeat.

Издательство: Living Language. Random House
Жанр: обучение, изучение иностранных языков, английский
Формат: MP3 + PDF
Страниц: 64
Язык: английский


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irinessa 21/08/12 Просмотров: 2182
Fount 22 августа 2012, 01:17:28

Спасибо! Как всегда радуете интересными материалами, так и придётся стать полиглотом smile